Scholastic Games Archived radio high school quiz programs

July 8, 2018

Dialogues 18-06 Science Study at Lake Ridge Academy

Biomimicry is Science Topic at LRA

Andrew Wright,  an instructor at Lake Ridge Academy and the man who helped to spearhead the school’s successful venture into solar power, returns to the program to describe a unique course in which students investigate biomimicry.  Students discover how plants and animals have become models for innovative human activity in many fields.

February 13, 2017

Dialogues 17-03 Solar Power at Lake Ridge Academy


LRA-logov1 solar at LRAAndrew Wright is a proud instructor at Lake Ridge Academy because his students spearheaded a significant project bringing solar energy to the campus.  The array of solar panels, quite noticeable from the Ohio Turnpike in North Ridgeville, Ohio, were the result of students taking the initiative and the community coming aboard.  Wright tells the fascinating story to Bob Tayek.

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